Featured Restaurants

Peel, East Quay
1 0 0
Traditional English, Seafood, Manx
Douglas, Douglas Steam Railway Station, North Quay
2 0 0
Italian, International
Douglas, 52 Bucks Road
12 0 0
Traditional English, International, Café & Bistro
Ramsey, 39 Parliament Street
0 0 0
Traditional English, Seafood, Manx
Peel, The Promenade
4 0 0
Seafood, French, Special Dietary Needs
Douglas, The Regency Hotel, Queens Promenade
6 0 0
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Featured Takeaways

Douglas, 2 Granville Street
90 4 13
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I am passionate about great food and service. I hope you will enjoy ManxDining.im and have many superb dinner experiences through our website and community.
Sara Stine Bauerlund
ManxDining.im improves our guest reservation management process. No matter who takes the reservation, we can now quickly identify regulars and ensure proper tracking of special preferences every time.
Chris, HQ Bar & Restaurant